The paper of the month, chosen by the Editor-in-Chief, is "Spin–Orbit Coupled Dynamics of Ferromagnetic Spinor Bose–Einstein Condensate" by Qiang Zhao;
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.145.162
Studies of Bose-Einstein condensates entered a new era. While the most fundamental properties of the condensates are known, researchers are iterested more in specific problems. Ferromagnetic condensates, containing polarized atoms with spin-1, are the subject of many recent studies. A characteristic feature of such condensates is that not only atoms with the same spin interact with each other, but the interaction between atoms with different spin components with possible spin exchange is crucial.
This paper delves into the dynamics of a spin-1 ferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. This should be contrasted with other studies that concentrate on static characteristics, like the shape of the ground state. Another novel feature of the present paper is a discussion of the role played by the trap shape. It is shown that the condensate dynamics considerably differs between the case of condensates in isotropic and anisotropic traps leading to different steady state structures. Thus, the paper gives a novel view on the dynamics of ferromagnetic condensates and is recommended not only for specialists in the field.
The Editor-in-Chief
Published: 04.04.2024