Comparison of Dissipation Energy in PLA, ABS and PETG Materials Used in 3D Printing
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This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation of the dissipation energy for three types of composite material printed using the 3D printing technique. These materials are PLA (polylactic acid), ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) and PETG (polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified). The fabricated samples were excited by pulse. The response of the samples was recorded non-contact using a portable digital vibrometer. The damping ratio of the samples was evaluated from the time signal and only the oscillation at the first natural frequency, which corresponds to the first bending shape of the oscillation, was considered. The logarithmic decrement method and the envelope curve method were used to process the measurements. The two methods were compared. After finding the damping ratio of the samples, the damping force with respect to the mass of the samples was calculated. Subsequently, the dissipation energy per unit mass was calculated. Finally, the results of the experimental measurement of the dissipation energy of the composite materials were compared.
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