Modelling the Evolution of Microstructure During Recrystallisation

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T.A. Walasek


This paper discusses the evolution of the microstructure during grain growth and recrystallisation, modelled using the Monte Carlo technique. The properties of alloys and metals subjected to plastic deformation and annealing are significantly influenced by the grain growth and recrystallisation processes. Modelling the recrystallisation process enables the simulation of various driving forces at a fundamental level by defining energy conditions for each individual element. The calculations facilitate the observation of microstructural evolution and the generation of structures consistent with any set of postulates, allowing both the dynamics and the physical processes of grain growth and recrystallisation to be simulated. The paper describes a recrystallisation model based on a two-dimensional array containing 40 000 elements. Each element in the array is assigned a number symbolising the orientation of the grain in which the given element is embedded, along with a value of the free energy of the grain boundary. The internal energy for a given grain is also specified. Four types of nucleation have been modelled. Based on the results obtained, the Monte Carlo technique is considered to be an effective tool for modelling recrystallisation processes, allowing the introduction of many different driving forces. The model presented in the work enables the simulation of the nature of local energy conditions and dynamics.

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How to Cite
T. Walasek, “Modelling the Evolution of Microstructure During Recrystallisation”, Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 146, no. 6, p. 747, Dec. 2024, doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.146.747.
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