Numerical Investigation of Advanced Thin-Film Solar Cells Based on SnSe
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Recently, there has been increased interest in tin selenide (SnSe) material elements in thin-film solar cells. This interest is due to its simple elemental composition, high absorption coefficients, and abundance, making it a cost-effective alternative to CdTe and Cu(In,Ga)(S, Se)2 materials, which contain rare and expensive elements. Using the one-dimensional Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator software, we simulated a SnSe-based solar cell structure, namely glass/Mo/SnSe/CdS/i-ZnO/ZnO:Al, striving to attain greater power conversion efficiency. The initial model was created based on the model with 2.51% efficiency from previous experimental work. We then proposed replacing the toxic CdS with SnO2 as a buffer layer material and optimizing the absorber and buffer parameters of the device. The optimization focused on thickness, metal work function, electron density of states, shallow acceptor density, radiative recombination, and series and shunt resistances. This optimization resulted in a conversion efficiency of 15.45%. Finally, a copper(I) thiocyanate (CuSCN) layer that helps to transport holes was proposed and then evaluated, leading to significant improvements in open-circuit voltage and fill factor and achieving a remarkable conversion efficiency of 19.68%.
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