Calculational Cross-Sections of (p, x) Reactions on the 12C, 14N and 16O for 10,11C Production
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For in vivo dose delivery monitoring in proton therapy the positron emission tomography can be applied because the positron emitters are being produced by the nuclear reactions of protons with atomic nuclei in a human body. The estimation of cross-sections of proton-induced nuclear reactions in the body is, therefore, one of the important steps on the way to develop proton beam range monitoring with positron emission tomography. Here, we calculate cross-sections for all open nuclear reaction channels initiated by 150 MeV protons and featured with 10C and 11C formation in the output channels. Taking into account the composition of elements in the human body and the data from the literature, we estimated 10C and 11C cumulative production cross-sections for proton-induced reactions in the human body.
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