Comparative Analysis of a Novel Robust Fuzzy Control Algorithm, MPC and PID Controllers for an Uncertain Two-Link Planar Manipulator Robot with External Disturbances
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This paper presents a novel robust fuzzy controller for a planar manipulator robot. Also, model predictive control and proportional–integral–derivative techniques are used to compare the results with the proposed method. The control system of manipulator robots must have some special features, which guarantee the stability, fast tracking, practicability of control signals, smooth control, etc. A comparative analysis can provide a clearer picture of the control system's performance. In this study, a comparative analysis is presented between: the novel robust fuzzy technique, model predictive control, and proportional–integral–derivative controllers for a two-link planar manipulator robot. Simulink/MATLAB toolbox is used to simulate the controllers. The results show that the proposed robust fuzzy method performs better and is more robust than other methods. The integral of the absolute value of the error (IAE) and integral of the time absolute value of the error (ITAE) performance indexes are employed for better and more logical comparison. Moreover, the control methods are compared with the essential control features such as accuracy, fast-tracking, robustness, etc., and for all the features, the proposed fuzzy method is better than others.
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