Rashba Effect of Polaron in RbCl Triangular Quantum Wells Under the Influence of Magnetic Field

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Y.-L. Li
S.-P. Shan


The Rashba effect of polaron in RbCl triangular quantum wells under the influence of a magnetic field is theoretically studied, and the expression of the ground state energy of the polaron is obtained within the Pekar variational method. The ground state energy of the polaron splits into two branches due to the Rashba effect. This phenomenon fully demonstrates that the influence of orbit and spin interaction in different directions on the energy of the polaron is not negligible. Because the contribution of the magnetic field cyclotron resonance frequency to the Rashba spin–orbit splitting is a positive value, the energy spacing becomes larger as the magnetic field cyclotron resonance frequency increases. Due to the spin–orbit coupling interaction, the energy splits at zero field. The total energy is reduced due to the presence of phonon. Therefore, the polaron state is more stable than the bare electron state, and the polaron energy splitting is more stable.

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How to Cite
Y.-L. Li and S.-P. Shan, “Rashba Effect of Polaron in RbCl Triangular Quantum Wells Under the Influence of Magnetic Field”, Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 146, no. 2, p. 129, Aug. 2024, doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.146.129.


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