Magnetoelastic Effect in Perovskite Orthochromite HoCrO3

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K. Komędera
N.K. Chogondahalli Muniraju


It is well established that many material properties, such as multiferroicity, magnetoresistance, or magnetoelectricity, emerge from strong interactions of spins and lattice (phonons). An in-depth understanding of spin–phonon coupling is key to understanding these properties. We demonstrate strong spin–phonon coupling in HoCrO3 using powder X-ray diffraction measurements. Our investigations confirm magnetoelastic effects below antiferromagnetic phase transition, TN ≈ 142 K. The lattice parameters and unit cell volume decrease normally with temperature up to ~ TN, but decrease anomalously below TN. By fitting the background thermal expansion for a non-magnetic lattice using the Debye–Grüneisen equation, we determined the lattice strain  ΔVM due to the magnetoelastic effects as a function of temperature. We have also established that the lattice strain due to the magnetoelastic effect in HoCrO3 couples with the square of the ordered magnetic moment of the Cr3+ ion.

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K. Komędera and N. Chogondahalli Muniraju, “Magnetoelastic Effect in Perovskite Orthochromite HoCrO3”, Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 145, no. 2, p. 128, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.145.128.


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