Synergy of Semiconductor Physics and Electron Pairing: Route Towards Novel Topological Materials

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T. Domański
S. Vosoughi-nia
A. Kobiałka


We discuss possible scenarios for the realization of a topologically nontrivial superconducting phase in the heterostructures composed of semiconducting nanowires proximitized to bulk superconductors. The investigated samples are characterized by Majorana-type modes appearing at the boundaries of nanowires. Specifically, we inspect the hypothetical transition to the topological superconducting state of the Rashba nanowire deposited along the crystallographic axis of the CuO2 plane of a d-wave high Tc superconductor. Such a transition might enable access to the topological phase at much higher temperatures than those experimentally observed so far.

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How to Cite
T. Domański, S. Vosoughi-nia, and A. Kobiałka, “Synergy of Semiconductor Physics and Electron Pairing: Route Towards Novel Topological Materials”, Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 142, no. 6, p. 679, Jan. 2023, doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.142.679.


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