Contribution of the Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS (UNIPRESS) to Semiconductor Physics and Technology

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I. Grzegory


UNIPRESS was created 50 years ago (1972) from the Laboratory of Pressure Studies of Semiconductors of the Institute of Physics PAS. An exceptionally strong foundation, based on the Leonard Sosnowski School of Semiconductors, supported by excellent foreign cooperation, has created a great opportunity for this new research center. Its leader, Sylwester Porowski, had been building an original experimental base from the very beginning. The UNIPRESS high pressure equipment quickly gained recognition in the world and allowed physicists to achieve results appreciated by the scientific community. The most visible research areas in semiconductors where UNIPRESS was active were:
- pressure studies of narrow gap semiconductors,
- pressure studies of the impurity/dopant character and recombi- nation mechanisms,
- high pressure thermodynamics and crystal growth of GaN,
- GaN-based quantum structures and devices,
- generation of THz radiation in semiconductors.
Selected results from the above list are discussed in more detail. At the end, the most relevant new research directions developed at UNIPRESS, such as high pressure synthesis of h-BN, semiconductor–superconductor (GaN–NbN) heterostructures emitting entangled photons, integrated photonic circuits, or THz amplification in semiconductor plasmonic structures (ERC Adv.), are highlighted.

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How to Cite
I. Grzegory, “Contribution of the Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS (UNIPRESS) to Semiconductor Physics and Technology”, Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 142, no. 5, p. 597, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.142.597.


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